The Information Distribution Problem

11 min readOct 18, 2019


What Is The Meaning Of All Of This?

The concept of reincarnation, a notion that always envelopes my entire thought process. How fascinating to think, being part of some sort of incredibly advanced and complex system. One massive idea being reborn again & again. Theories like the universal cycle of matter, simulation theory, or the existence of multiple dimensions are just as interesting to ponder.

Strangely these concepts appear related to each other with an underlying idea ‘rebirth.’ Conceivably there is no individuality from this point of view, life is an indefinite cycle of sameness. Existence is unique to perception, situations, however, life is a similar experience altogether. Obscure points in time separate us, although we experience a related cycle. Could that mean that there is no uniqueness at all?

What if this is all a simulation? Only relative to a specific organism or system under observation? What does that mean for the idea of personal identity? Having a belief that we live eternally, one way or another? It must soothe our egos, preventing us from becoming vagrant and losing our values, or does it?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Whose Ideas Are They?

Are any ideas ever really original? Has everything been asked and thought of? It appears that way on the internet, search engines exist to answer us and organize questions. Engines orientated to distribute information into categories by the hundreds of thousands.

Precise copying, tracking and identifying, creating an informed mechanism. Searching something on the internet is becoming easier and easier as machine learning and technology advances, search engines can sift through vast amounts of data in mere seconds.

What’s obvious, is people are not alone when asking certain questions. People ask related questions, and categories expand in capacity to the point that there are thousands of answers to the same questions. Begin a search, your inquiry is partly predicted because of the number of times it has already been requested. Our thoughts are strikingly similar. So, whose thoughts are they? Collectively it is measurable as the same. On an individual basis, it appears as a slight difference, except it forms a reinforcing loop. With more inputs, the outputs of a search engine become increasingly accurate.

Do We Understand The Effects Of Complex Information Systems?

Are we tormented by a lack of overall understanding or do we have a distinguishable judgement? Is the difference between fact & fiction recognizable?

We are all unique but the same species, just happening to be alive in the same place, asking the same questions and in need of the same things.

So, it’s convincing. No ideas are belonging to any one person, they exist somewhere already, in someone else’s mind who needs the same things. Perhaps it’s because a need is universal, relative to similar observers in a system.

Consequently, that means we are just observers. Many processes & combinations happening within complex systems, functioning logically and realistically relative to observers is all we ever notice. A system controls information intake and output. Data is absorbed and reactions take place based on circumstance. The evolution of communications is a prime example of this, a structure of organization, method and logical interpretation of inputs and outputs. Similar principles affect all separate organisms on this planet in one way or another. All life forms operate under certain recurring principles in observable systems, like a computer.

ex; 01101001 01101110 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110

The word ‘information’ represented in binary code. An interpretation by a computer.

Structure And Organization Of Facts

Both humans and creatures work as components in an information delivery system. An abundance of organisms within a large ecosystem, delivering precise information to sections, like neural pathways in brains.

Analogous to a highway, if traffic becomes jammed it ceases to be efficient.

When a herd animal is ineffective at communicating with the herd, it soon perishes.

Rhetoric often suffers from misinterpretation, even a well established and voiced one. Precontrived words, interpreted differently because of tone. Nevertheless, by definition: words stay the same after written.

Why Does Tone Cause Misinterpretations?

Something else is present in the system of dialogue to cause this. When facts are not protected, contamination by bias interpretations occurs. Expanding to connections in a network like a bacterial disease. Valid false narratives stockpile in systems, forming traffic-like congestion. A system must work together, so information is balanced in intentional directions. It’s called a dynamic equilibrium when a system handles fluctuations with balance or reinforced flows in proper directions.

Systems maintain themselves through numerous components, & some work harder than others. However, the information is still communicated throughout the system. An imbalance will cause the system to deflate, ushering collapse, like a balloon. Organizing information into a structured format, running on better a consensus than we have now, is paramount to our existence. We produce plenty of complex data but with no real organization

Is one plus one a way to organize facts?


What are Facts?

If kept simple, there are two types of facts. Hard-facts such as laws and fundamentals, and soft-facts that rely on bias or contingent information that’s potentially dismissive of existing hard-facts. Soft-facts become hard-facts after being verified by other soft-facts, a functional consensus.

Two soft facts equal one hard fact if; 1(+/-)1=2 or 0 on a scale of 1–0

When: 1–0 is the range of a soft fact & 2 equals a hard fact

  • 1=Completely honest
  • .75=Mostly honest with some dishonesty
  • .50= Partly honest/dishonest
  • .25=Mostly dishonest with some honesty
  • 0= Completely dishonest

Hard facts: Incontestable facts, compared to fiction. (Information categorized as being likely or probable versus improbable.)

Soft facts: Contestable facts, compared to fiction. (Information categorized as being unlikely or improbable versus probable.)

Information lacking logic and structure creates an imbalance of effort, creating blind observers. Data distributed within a system is always under strict centralized authority by the apex of the system. If the apex operates under incorrect parameters, factual information becomes fictionalized or vice versa. Eventual fatal system flaws or degenerative disorders occur within the system under control.

When a political speech is biased and deceptive of facts, lies spread, causing a type of chaos. Therefore politicians represent a figure of power within a system. People rely on figures of power for accurate information, promoting balance. Distorted arguments fuel errors within the system and the spread of biased beliefs.

Without filters, information acts as interpretable notions and perpetuates the transmission of false information. Deficiences of facts cause an overall degradation of any system, in the case of information rhetorics degrade, a dialogue is broken down. Fictionalized narratives become accepted by consensus, making it nearly impossible to filter what’s wrong & what’s right.

Suppose this:

Everything operates in a system of dynamic equilibrium. Systems fluctuate with time to accommodate variables, producing new systems within itself. Newly formed systems appear independent but are not, all systems depend on each other to function, like rungs on a ladder.

At event x in overall observational time (T), a continuous system or state of matter [n(E)] may fluctuate or mutate at an unknown point in time(t) to accommodate a new variable[R] to maintain dynamic equilibrium(balance), leading to a new continuous state/system;

[nR(E)](T)… until [R] again

Ex: Without 2 there is no 1, and without 1 there is no 2

Thought Experiment

A brown wooden fence is in a field, what does that mean?

  • Time passes
  • Colour Fades
  • Decay occurs
  • It’s removed indefinitely
  • It’s a fence and not wood
  • An unforeseen event occurs

When does the brown wooden fence change state?

  • Randomly
  • All the time
  • After decay
  • That’s only relative to the observer
  • Eventually
  • After colour loss
  • Never, it’s always wood
  • An unforeseen event

This leads to an equation of sorts;

  • [nR(E)](T)= [x(t)](+/-)[n(E)](T)
  • (T)(+/-)(T)=(T…*)
  • x+t=R
  • [R(+/-)n(e)](T)=[nR(E)](T)

A continuous system or state of matter[n(E)] in overall observed time(T) fluctuates or mutates producing [R]. [n(E)] reaches dynamic equilibrium when [R] is accommodated resulting in[nR(E)](T).

[x(t)] is an unknown random event at some point in time within [n(E)](T). This event produces [R], which is then accommodated by [n(E)], producing [nR(E)], which is somehow distinguishable from before.


  • [x(t)]= System shift or fluctuation of matter(point of event in time)
  • [n(E)]= System or state of matter under continuous movement/function(dynamic equilibrium)
  • (T)= Time constant(Overall observed time)
  • [nR(E)]= Newly observed system or state of matter(maintaining new system normal*dynamic equilibrium*)
  • (t)= Time relative to the observation, event, organism or state
  • [R]= Random variable/fluctuation of a system or state of matter

Accommodating The Variable

Mutations or random events happen that challenge the relativity of objects or ideas, shifting interpretation. Depending on the severity of the change, the new system may still function ordinarily to an observer. Dynamic systems accommodate variables into their arrangement, reaching a balance in time.

What does that mean about how we perceive change? Does an observable difference appear identical to each part of a system? Or does the systems function support dynamic-equilibrium after enough time and variables have been accommodated?

Gene mutations are a familiar example of this dynamic shift of perspective. For example, eye colour. The eye is an established system within a system, it functions with its limitations, it has no function outside of its primary system.

Yet variations of genes, cause a combination of DNA to appear different from the surface and within. Accommodated variables manifest within DNA, forming a new dynamic equilibrium unique to the eye that’s also prominent from the outside.

Blockchain(s), Simulations And Artificial Intelligence

A dynamic state of equilibrium is reachable when information is organized and distributed correctly in a complex network. Tandem blockchains working together, as a hard copy and a rough copy respectively, monitored by machine learning, and an ability to augment and simulate precise models lead us to a process that is capable of transferring precise, structured, verifiable information, around the globe. Without bias. With maneuverability.

  • Blockchain(s) Personal & Public
  • Simulated/Augmented Reality
  • Digital Textbook/Interactive Compendium
  • Virtual Mentorship Program(s)
Credits: Nicky Case ->

Delivery of vital information keeps a system alive, providing education in a properly structured format is the first step to improving the globe. By selectively designing the listed technologies, an official global curriculum can exist, that adheres to strict standards & protocols, one that does not interrupt developing narratives & creative flows.

Contributors & Interactive Compendium

Nodes or private chains are established by the contributor(s) to create unique individual inputs to the soft-chain, allowing submitter(s) to obtain recognition for their efforts. Regular submissions by public contributors, institutions, or anonymous senders represent nodes that send inputs to the soft-chain. Connections to the soft-chain conform to the principles applied by the hard-chain. However, a digital interactive textbook that adheres to similar rules as the hard chain and soft chain stores all inputs.

A digital textbook provides a compendium of information presented to the soft chain and the hard chain in real-time available to the public. Allowing more dynamic contributions and public accessibility. The hard chain always has access to update the compendium spreading new verified information to the entire network. Control is maintained by the hard chain over the unique inputs flooding into itself from the soft chain by storing additional contested facts in the compendium in an organized manner. Security is provided to the hard chain by the a.i program and the digital textbook, protecting it, preventing overload.

The digital textbook provides an interface and a way to organize the information being presented to the chain(s). Direction by an a.i program allows efficient data storage, network optimization and many other potentials.

Soft Fact Blockchain

Just as a brain can take in too much information at once, sensory overload is a potential issue. A soft-fact chain is a rough copy. Comparable to the nervous system reacting to its external environment, relaying information to the brain. This design allows information storage & distribution via submission. Inputs to the soft-chain collect like a forum, to shelter creativity and the debate of facts.

Submissions to the soft chain on a scale of 1–0 representing honesty;

  • 1=true
  • .75=mostly true
  • .5=partly true/false
  • .25=mostly false
  • 0=false

Information submitted to the soft chain begins a process of verification by the network. Information sent must be validated by the contributor(s) or directly by the hard-chain, using logic and fact-based propositions, similar to the process of proofs in mathematics. After verification, information becomes stored in the hard-chain, and the submitter(s) are given credit for their contributions.

A new hard-fact formed on the hard-chain from other contributors or continuous contributions by one submitter is permanent. Information can spend forever traversing the first chain until proved possible by the contributor(s) of the network or the artificial intelligence program delegating information. Credits for work will be obtained when; One plus one equals two, even valid submissions by eight different contributors towards one fact if each submission represents twenty-five percent of the honesty in one soft-fact.

Hard Fact Blockchain

A hard-fact based blockchain, built as the underlying infrastructure for the network. A hard copy of verified information. The hard-fact chain is a summary of all verifiable facts. Propagated by peers working under a consensus algorithm monitored by an a.i program. A brain for the network directing the inputs/outputs, maintaining balance, under protection by many other components.

Soft-facts become hard-facts after being verified by the hard-chain, the artificial intelligence program or the contributor(s). Credits are then issued to the contributors of the honest information. A base of understanding for the overall system is created by the hard-chain, all the collected information by the soft chain undergoes scrutiny before being accepted by the hard-chain. Having a system in place for the structure and organization of information leads to incredible possibilities of teaching computers more, like learning how to read, interpret data better, and the creation of mentor-like programs capable of catering to an individual.

Simulation(s), Augmented Reality & A.I.

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence allows many possibilities with the distribution and organization of data. Distributing information en masse to a learning program enhancing the flow of information and credibility of presented facts.

A learning program with a rigid design such as;

  • Efficiency
  • Complexity
  • Manoeuvrability
  • Adaptability
  • Longevity

at the very least

Using machine learning combined with augmented reality to create unique learning situations is the highlight-able aspect of this entire concept. Having a way to simulate a learning environment for an individual anywhere, at any time in the world, breaks barriers for every person on earth. Rendering simulations with models that can be manipulated in real-time to teach people how they work, allowing equality in terms of ability.

With a global curriculum established on top of this network, information can be distributed efficiently, courses adapted worldwide through the soft-chain and textbook. Collaborative efforts only possible with this type of system leads to a much larger distribution of information, and a broader capacity of teaching. A university could establish a credential-based course on the soft-chain, represented as one soft-fact when the corresponding soft-fact is submitted by the designated contributor the credential is verified as a hard-fact, established on the hard-chain and the credential is given, a Ph.D. verified through the hard-chain.

Over time, contributions to the network by any individual can be adapted even further using artificial intelligence. An efficient mentor program capable of helping individuals leverage their skills can be designed, enhancing the learning process. Adding the collection of our knowledge to a program capable of mentor-ship would mean the world of difference for someone.

A mentor program would allow us to face existential questions;

Why am I?

What am I even here for?

Am I alone?

What does this all mean?




Written by 0xzenodotus

Autodidact. Writer & technical thinker.

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